swup swup JS Plugin
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JS Plugin

JS Plugin enables the use of JavaScript for timing and animations in Swup page transitions. It is is the successor of the deprecated swupjs package, with similar but improved functionality.


Install the plugin from npm and import it into your bundle.

npm install @swup/js-plugin
npm install @swup/js-plugin
import SwupJsPlugin from '@swup/js-plugin';
import SwupJsPlugin from '@swup/js-plugin';

Or include the minified production file from a CDN:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@swup/js-plugin@2"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@swup/js-plugin@2"></script>


To run this plugin, include an instance in the swup options.

const swup = new Swup({
  plugins: [new SwupJsPlugin([
    // your custom transition objects
const swup = new Swup({
  plugins: [new SwupJsPlugin([
    // your custom transition objects


The plugin expects a single argument in the form of an array of animation objects. The example below is the default setup and defines two animations, where out is the animation (function) being executed before the content is being replaced, and in is the animation being executed after the content is replaced:

const options = [
    from: '(.*)', // matches any route
    to: '(.*)', // matches any route
    out: next => next(), // immediately continues
    in: next => next() // immediately continues
const options = [
    from: '(.*)', // matches any route
    to: '(.*)', // matches any route
    out: next => next(), // immediately continues
    in: next => next() // immediately continues

This is also the animation object that swup will fall-back to in case no other fitting animation object is found.

Animations are chosen based on the from and to properties of the object, which are compared against the current transition (routes of current and next page). More on that here.

Animation Function

The animation function receives two parameters:

  • The next() function
  • an object that contains information about the current animation.

The next() function must be called once and serves as an indicator that the animation is done and swup can proceed with replacing the content. In a real world example, next() would be called as a callback of the animation. By default no animation is being executed and next() is called right away.

The second parameter is an object that contains some useful data, like the transition object (containing actual before/after routes), the from and to parameters of the animation object, and the result of executing the Regex with the routes (array).

In the example below, the next function is called after two seconds, which means that swup would wait at least two seconds (or any time necessary to load the new page content), before continuing to replacing the content.

out: (next) => {
  setTimeout(next, 2000);
// ...
out: (next) => {
  setTimeout(next, 2000);
// ...

Basic usage with tools like GSAP would look something like this:

const options = [
    from: '(.*)',
    to: '(.*)',
    in: (next, infos) => {
      document.querySelector('#swup').style.opacity = 0;
      gsap.to(document.querySelector('#swup'), {
        duration: 0.5,
        opacity: 1,
        onComplete: next
    out: (next, infos) => {
      document.querySelector('#swup').style.opacity = 1;
      gsap.to(document.querySelector('#swup'), 0.5, {
        duration: 0.5,
        opacity: 0,
        onComplete: next

const swup = new Swup({
  plugins: [new SwupJsPlugin(options)]
const options = [
    from: '(.*)',
    to: '(.*)',
    in: (next, infos) => {
      document.querySelector('#swup').style.opacity = 0;
      gsap.to(document.querySelector('#swup'), {
        duration: 0.5,
        opacity: 1,
        onComplete: next
    out: (next, infos) => {
      document.querySelector('#swup').style.opacity = 1;
      gsap.to(document.querySelector('#swup'), 0.5, {
        duration: 0.5,
        opacity: 0,
        onComplete: next

const swup = new Swup({
  plugins: [new SwupJsPlugin(options)]

Choosing the animation

As mentioned above, the animation is chosen based on the from and to properties of the animation object. Those properties can take several forms:

  • A String (matching a route exactly).
  • A Regex.
  • A Path route definition which you may know from things like Express (eg. /foo/:bar). The Path-to-RegExp library is used for this purpose, so refer to their documentation.
  • A String of custom transitions (taken from the data-swup-transition attribute of the clicked link).

The most fitting route is always chosen. Keep in mind, that two routes can be evaluated as "same fit". In this case, the later one defined in the options is used, so usually you would like to define the more specific routes later. See the example below for more info.

  // animation 1
  { from: '(.*)', to: '(.*)' },

  // animation 2
  { from: '/', to: /pos(.*)/ },

  // animation 3
  { from: '/', to: '/post/:id' },

  // animation 4
  { from: '/', to: '/post' },

  // animation 5
  { from: '/', to: 'custom-transition' }
  // animation 1
  { from: '(.*)', to: '(.*)' },

  // animation 2
  { from: '/', to: /pos(.*)/ },

  // animation 3
  { from: '/', to: '/post/:id' },

  // animation 4
  { from: '/', to: '/post' },

  // animation 5
  { from: '/', to: 'custom-transition' }
  • from / to /post → animation 4
  • from / to /posting → animation 2
  • from / to /post/12 → animation 3
  • from / to /some-route → animation 1
  • from / to /post with click having data-swup-transition="custom-transition" → animation 5